Welcome to manonaboat®, featuring filmed answers to the question What does the boat mean to you…? You can see featured interviews below, explore the map on the right or click on the carousel figures above. There are menus at the top, where you can send in your own answer.

Here are some samples from the map on the right:


A boat to bridge two lifestyles, with Georgie at Caen Hill on the Kennet & Avon Canal in Berkshire, beach page here.


A home on the river, with Barbara at Richmond Lock in London, beach page here


A boat as an escape, with Martin, Sue, Matthew and Di at Stratford-Upon-Avon on the Stratford-On-Avon Canal, beach page here.


A new adventure by boat, with Dinger and Manda at Caen Hill on the Kennet & Avon Canal in Berkshire, beach page here.


A way through the city on the water, with Ken and Kim at Mile End Lock on the Regent’s Canal in East London, beach page here.